One of the great aspects to credit is you get rewarded for your smart financial behaviors.4 credit mistakes to avoid One of the great aspects to credit is you get rewarded for your smart financial behaviors. At the same time, though, the opposite also holds true: You can get docked for choices that, in hindsight, [...]
Nearly two-thirds of millennials don't own or use credit cards for purchasing purposes, based on a recent studyMajority of millennials don't own a credit card, survey suggests The slogan for a credit card company back in the 1980s advised Americans to "never leave home without it." Fast forward to today, Americans are not only failing [...]
Debt may not be on the same par with death and taxes - i.e., somethingCredit card debt load outweighing Americans' emergency savings Debt may not be on the same par with death and taxes - i.e., something that everyone will experience - but with expenses coming in a variety of forms, you'd be hard-pressed to [...]
When it comes to credit and lending institutions, your credit score is a depiction of whoCredit Score Explained Once and for All When it comes to credit and lending institutions, your credit score is a depiction of who you are as a borrower. Think about it – you’re asking to borrow money from a company [...]